Masterplan of your Financial Future
Having a cash flow forecast can give you a clearer indication about what your future income and capital needs are likely to be in post retirement years. It can be really useful in helping you to make an informed decision about when the best time to take retirement would be. Armed with this detailed information, you will be able to get a clearer indication of how your future income might be affected by inflation. This information will also give you a much better understanding of what level of income you will be able to take at different rates of investment return.

It’s important to stress that cash flow modelling is not a process to be carried out once and then forgotten about: cash flow modelling is a living document that can, and should, be revisited on a regular basis. In that way you can be certain that it will always reflect, and be relevant to, your current circumstances should anything change. Even minor changes can make a huge difference in the longer term.

Cash flow modelling can also be a valuable tool in terms of tax planning, enabling you to legally reduce the amount of inheritance tax liability that might otherwise be payable on your estate after death. By mapping out your future cash flow, you will also be in a much better position to plan for other later-life expenditures should be unfortunate enough to need residential or nursing care.

*All the information on this page is for guidance only and does not constitute advice.

The value of investments or the returns from it are not guaranteed, and you may get back less than what you invested.

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